Saturday 10 October 2015

Becoming a student in Nottingham

Hello! So this is my first post on Mind Over Matter. My name is Saskia, I've just started University about 2 weeks ago, and I am loving every day of it. From my course to my accommodation, Nottingham has truly been one of the best places I have lived. I am from a small town in Wiltshire originally, so being in a big city is such a massive change!

I am studying Fashion Communication and Promotion (I will refer to this course as FCP). This course allows me to go down so many different pathways such as Styling, PR, Events etc. I can't wait to learn the different aspects of Fashion.

I must admit, the first week of University was all over the place, from going out every night of freshers (yes, every night), to moving in, meeting new people and starting my course all at the same time well, was incredibly daunting! But I find myself loving every moment of it now.

This blog will be where I share my ideas, thoughts and opinions on subjects not always fashion related. Thank you of viewing my blog, cannot wait to see how this turns out!

                                                                                                       Saskia x

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