Thursday 28 January 2016

Stack Magazine

Stack Magazines is an independent magazine distributor. The founder, Steven Watson says that 'I started Stack because I think people want something better to read'. Stack Magazine does not send you a dolled up fashion magazine, they send real independent magazines which have articles on topics you have probably not even heard of. When I got my first magazine through (it's a total surprise), it was quite a shock to read something out of fashion. I recommend anyone who is into magazines but wants to find something different to read, check out Stack, it's worth every penny. 

Saskia x

Friday 15 January 2016

NYC Day 5 - Garment Tour

Today was our last full day in NYC! So sad to be leaving tomorrow. We finally had the garment district tour which I've been waiting for all week!

Woke up really early, and made our way to the Garment District. We went into Mood Fabrics (a luxury fabric store) and spoke to a designer, and some bloggers (Wanderlust Girls) who were so lovely and full of fab advice. 

We then walked along Fashion Avenue and came across Around The World Publications. This was my dream shop. Although I didn't buy anything, being surrounded by so many magazines from around the world was amazing. 

We then went to see a jewellery designer (Larruicci - I will create another blogpost when I'm back to the UK), the designer was so bubbly and passionate about her brand, was so nice to speak to her. 

After, we headed to FIT Museum to look at the Fairy Tale Fashion exhibition, which was truly beautiful and nostalgic. 

My feet hurt so badly after, but this was such a good tour, met some lovely people in the industry, and found new amazing places! After the tour I decided to get some shopping out the way (oops) and had one amazing burger and fries.

Can't believe this trip is over already! Tomorrow will be a short day but I will post a few pictures on Instagram. Cannot wait to eventually come back to this amazing city! 

Saskia X 

Thursday 14 January 2016

NYC Day 4 -Brooklyn, Williamsburg & Chelsea Market

So today was very very busy. Woke up super early and headed to Brooklyn Bridge. The walk over the bridge was incredibly cold but the views were stunning from the bridge. As we got into Brooklyn we went into a pizza place, which was yummy. After we decided to just walk around aimlessly, looking at the picturesque buildings of Brooklyn.

We then headed to Williamsburg, which is such an up-coming, cool area. As we got off the train we wondered around a little and found this adorable bakery and had the best red velvet cookie and vanilla chai latte in the world. After, we walked around this place, sprawled with boutique's and restaurants. I absolutely loved it. It was so different from 'the norm' of New York. 

Last of all for the day, we went to Chelsea Market. It's so beautiful in there, full of tasty treats and meals, and also a market full of independent artists. I really enjoyed this place! 

Tomorrow is our last full day and I'm so gutted to be leaving on Saturday, but will have to make the most of tomorrow! 

Saskia X 

Wednesday 13 January 2016

NYC Day 3 - Downtown Manhattan

Today was SO COLD. We got up a little later than we should, and headed to Bread and Butter for one of the best breakfasts I've ever had.

We then got the subway to Whitehall, which is right at the bottom of Manhattan and got on the ferry. This took us to the Statue of Liberty which was incredible (although I thought I was frozen). We then walked to Ground Zero (9/11 Memorial), which made me shed a few tears. Then to Wall Street, the Financial Capital. 

After, we took the subway to SoHo. This place is really hip, with small cafés, small shops and also high fashion stores such as Chanel, Mulberry and Burberry. 

After walking around for hours on end, we ended up in China Town, and decided to eat there too in a restaurant which I cannot spell or pronounce. 

I really enjoyed looking around these places today, but I really need some sleep! 

Saskia x 

Tuesday 12 January 2016

NYC Day 2 - Exploring Manhattan

So after hardly any sleep (and odd noises in our hotel room) me and Becky got up super early and headed into the city. We got breakfast at a little van (classic) and headed to Rockefeller Center by subway. We got a bit confused but eventually managed to get there!

The top of Rockefeller Center was breathtaking. If anyone who is reading this and wants to go to NYC, this is one of the best places to go to get one amazing view of New York. 

After that we headed to the famous 5th Avenue and pretty much spent the rest of the day there! We went into Grand Central Station (stunning yet a maze), got lunch at Essen (which by the way is hands down the best wrap I've ever had) and spent too much money in Sephora. 

Right now we are having a well deserved rest and then off to search for dinner. Absolutely loving NYC so far! 

Saskia x

Monday 11 January 2016

NYC Day 1 - Browsing Times Square

So I have arrived in New York! Ahhhhh. I am so excited to be in this beautiful city! After a long 3 hour coach journey from Nottingham to Heathrow, a 7 hour flight to JFK Airport, and then another hour to our hotel, I am truly knackered! But that didn't stop me and my course mate to explore a tiny bit of New York before the real adventure begins! 

Going to Times Square was quite serial (and ridiculously cold). After watching many films with this place as a backdrop, or simply watching bloggers, it was so amazing to see this commercial jungle. 

I am so excited to share the rest of my trip with you all, if you want to keep updated on photos follow my Instagram account: saskiar0driguez, and my snapchat also: saskiar0driguez! 

Saskia x 

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Stills & Strokes

As I was waisting my time on Facebook, I found a link that led me straight to this mixed media organisation Stills & Strokes. I found so many amazing images using illustration, paint, instillation, typography and collages. This company works with a range of brands such as MINI, Dior, Comme des Garçons and many more. I love how their work influences abstract art onto products that we would probably not associate as a piece of art. I highly recommend if you've never heard of Stills & Strokes you take a look at their work!

Saskia x

Monday 4 January 2016

Jaden Smith x Louis Vuitton Womenswear campaign

I was scrolling through Facebook today and found a link saying that Jaden Smith was the new face of Louis Vuitton's womenswear campaign. Yes, I repeat, Womenswear. For such a High-End market brand, doing something like this would of course cause a whirlwind of thoughts and opinions. Vogue stated that ''Gender-Free clothing and championing individuality were two of fashions big themes in 2015'' - maybe LV are trying to push that point across even more for 2016. 

I decided that I wanted to research more into Gender-Free concept so I looked back at an article from 2013 by the Daily Mail.  This article spoke about how we automatically consider the colour Pink to represent girls, and Blue to represent boys. I also learnt that in the 1940's, parents became more aware of what to dress the gender of their child in, it became more specific. In the 1960's when the liberation movement was in play, was when unisex came back. I ask myself when I see a man wearing something that appears to be feminine, or a women that is wearing something that is classed masculine, does it really matter? Who cares if a man wants to wear makeup, or wear the skinniest jeans, or carry a handbag? Who cares if a women wants to wear a suit, wear baggy t-shirts, or have short hair? I think that the campaign that Louis Vuitton came out with speaks a thousand words on Gender-Free clothing and individuality. 

Saskia x  


Saturday 2 January 2016

5 Places I want to Visit

Now it's 2016, I am starting to really think about the things I want to do and the places I want to visit. I've chosen 5 places which I WILL visit before I die (hopefully not any time soon):

New York is one of the places which has been on my list for a while. And very soon I will be able to cross this off my list, That's right, in 9 days (on the 11th) I will be flying to the big apple to explore this amazing city. I am beyond lucky and excited to be able to visit this place. The shopping, the food and the sights - I just cannot wait. I will be posting daily blog posts about this amazing place.

 Milan, Italy. This is known as one of the main fashion capitals of the world. It looks like such a beautiful and picturesque place.

Marrakech, Morocco. With those maze like streets and stunning architecture, I think this place would truly give me a different look on culture.

Oia, Greece. Those gorgeous white and blue buildings and blue sea are calling to me. I need to visit this place.

Tokyo, Japan. Named the 'futuristic City', it looks like one of the main places to grab some bargains but also learn new things about a completely different culture to ours.

Saskia x 

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