Tuesday 12 January 2016

NYC Day 2 - Exploring Manhattan

So after hardly any sleep (and odd noises in our hotel room) me and Becky got up super early and headed into the city. We got breakfast at a little van (classic) and headed to Rockefeller Center by subway. We got a bit confused but eventually managed to get there!

The top of Rockefeller Center was breathtaking. If anyone who is reading this and wants to go to NYC, this is one of the best places to go to get one amazing view of New York. 

After that we headed to the famous 5th Avenue and pretty much spent the rest of the day there! We went into Grand Central Station (stunning yet a maze), got lunch at Essen (which by the way is hands down the best wrap I've ever had) and spent too much money in Sephora. 

Right now we are having a well deserved rest and then off to search for dinner. Absolutely loving NYC so far! 

Saskia x

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