Thursday 14 January 2016

NYC Day 4 -Brooklyn, Williamsburg & Chelsea Market

So today was very very busy. Woke up super early and headed to Brooklyn Bridge. The walk over the bridge was incredibly cold but the views were stunning from the bridge. As we got into Brooklyn we went into a pizza place, which was yummy. After we decided to just walk around aimlessly, looking at the picturesque buildings of Brooklyn.

We then headed to Williamsburg, which is such an up-coming, cool area. As we got off the train we wondered around a little and found this adorable bakery and had the best red velvet cookie and vanilla chai latte in the world. After, we walked around this place, sprawled with boutique's and restaurants. I absolutely loved it. It was so different from 'the norm' of New York. 

Last of all for the day, we went to Chelsea Market. It's so beautiful in there, full of tasty treats and meals, and also a market full of independent artists. I really enjoyed this place! 

Tomorrow is our last full day and I'm so gutted to be leaving on Saturday, but will have to make the most of tomorrow! 

Saskia X 

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